Thursday, April 3, 2014

UCET Presentation

I was lucky enough to be selected as a presenter at this year's Utah Coalition for Educational Technology, but I wasn't sure if it was going to go over well since I didn't have a whole ton of technology in my presentation.
The session was titled "You Can Be the Teacher AND the Class Clown" and I was to present my ideas on motivation in the classroom through humor, music, cheers, and technology, also known as "Edutainment."

Well, it was standing room only! The attendees were so receptive and willing to have participate, that I almost went over my scheduled time because everyone was having a blast.
Being in that room, with all of those educators laughing at my jokes, listening to my advice, and sharing their gratitude, was truly amazing and I hope I will be able to continue these motivational sessions in the future.

Thank you UCET for taking a chance on this presentation and scoring! I can't wait to do it again!  And thank you to the attendees for being a great audience whom I hope will take away some valuable ideas and incorporate them into their "Edutaining" classrooms!

 Presentation Evaluation